Thursday, June 24, 2010

This is All Kinds of Uncomfortable

Itchy asks:

A few weeks ago I left my friend's house with tiny bug bites on my feet and ankles that I suspected were flea bites.  She has invited me to come over again later this week.  Would it be rude to ask if her flea problem has been resolved before accepting the invitation?  I can't say for sure that the bites came from her house, but it is the most plausible explanation as to where my bites originated.

If you don't know for absolute certain that they're flea bites and that they came from your friend's home, I think asking her if the problem is resolved is too blunt.

Perhaps mention that you're covered in bites, and nonchalantly ask if she's ever experienced something similar. Or casually mention that since it's flea and tick season you're having your pets checked, and suggest that she does the same. If she doesn't take the bait, you have three options:

1. Politely decline the invitation.

2. Accept the invitation. Make sure you're wearing long pants, shoes and socks, and long sleeves for your visit. Don't sit on the furniture and don't put your purse down.

3. Accept the invitation and pretend nothing is wrong. If you get bitten again, then you'll know with much more certainty that the bites originated with your friend. In this case, it would be much more appropriate to approach her and tactfully suggest that she call an exterminator.

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