Saturday, June 19, 2010

Seriously? No.

In honor of our first letter that I refuse to publish, I think it's time to lay out some ground rules.

1. We're fine with foul language, we use it ourselves. However, don't be crude. We reserve the right to determine what crude is.

2. We will not publish identifying information. If we can redact names or locations from your letter, we will do so. If we deem it impossible to do so, you will not get an answer on your site.

3. We are not medical doctors, and honestly we don't want to know about your rashes, growths, or whathaveyou. We don't care if it's less embarrassing to write to an advice blog than it is to to see an actual doctor. We're not responsible for your health, you are. (Shamalamadingdong, this is as good an answer as you're getting.)

4. We reserve the right to amend these ground rules at any time.

That's it. Keep the letters coming, and happy reading!

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