Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'll Say It.

Kasey asks:

Hi.  How do I get my boyfriend to give me a promise ring?  We love each other sooo much but my friends don't believe it because he hasn't given me a ring yet.  They think I should leave him if I don't have a ring by the time school starts in the fall.  He says that he can't afford one, but he can afford to buy all kinds of stuff to trick out his truck.

Promise rings are dumb. Ignoring the fact that getting "engaged to get engaged" is completely meaningless, couples who are still in school have no business committing to anything further off than prom.

If you love him as much as you say, then your friends shouldn't have so much influence over your decision to stay or leave. If the ridiculous trinket is more important to you than the relationship, it's time to move on. 

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