Thursday, July 1, 2010

Not Just For Fatties Anymore

Alan asks:

Can I use Desitin to prevent chafing in the heat, or is it only for infants?

Ah, yes, the dreaded chub rub. Anyone whose thighs touch has certainly felt the sandpapery chafing, most common in the summer months, when sweat and general stickiness contributes to a perfect storm of awfulness.

There are a ton of solutions for chub rub. I've never heard Desitin mentioned, but baby powder, body lotion, and commercially-available anti-chafing creams are usually the first solutions. I would try anything you think might work, but I haven't had any luck with topical cures.

I've had to go with simply wearing pants for most of the summer, but when a skirt is necessary or wished-for, there are other options. A lot of people wear Spanx or other long-line shaping garments. If that's your thing, great, but I can think of few things I'd like less than trying to pull on a girdle in 90+-degree heat - and then having to wear it for the rest of the day, sweating all the while. Girdles, while very useful in certain instances, are not very breathable, and certainly not very summer-friendly.

No, for those days that simply insist on breezy peasant skirts and sweet eyelet dresses, you can try cotton bike shorts, men's boxer briefs, or Thigh Society underwear.

Please write back and let us know how the Desitin works!

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